The founding of Aniek Yael Projects stemmed from a deep passion for creating across diverse fields, with ideas that refused to fit neatly into a single category. For years, the pressure to conform to one mold held me back from what I love most: creating.
Aniek Yael Projects was born to break free of that limitation, embracing creativity in all its forms. As you read on, you’ll see what fuels each of my projects—the vision, the passion, and the purpose behind them.

Here’s a snapshot of the projects I offer.
More projects and details can be found here—

Aniek YaëL | part of Aniek Yael projects
Drama Rise | Caro in the Woods | Aniek Yaël
Now available on ITunes, Spotify, YouTube or just about wherever you listen to music.

Follow on Instagram for updates on Aniek Yael Projects.

A snapshot of my live music photo shoot! — Joining Cece Noir and DJ Ike Sofunky live music photography. #aniekyaelprojects #ayp #aniekyael #livemusicphotography #scheepvaartmuseum #amsterdam #gig #theprojects #artistphotography #artistphotographer #musicphotographer #musicianphotographer #photography #photographer#cecenoir #freestylesaxofonista #ceceonsax #saxofonist #saxophone #cece #noir #musician #carointhewoods #saxophoneplayer #femalesaxplayer #musicproducer #femalemusician #femalesaxophonist #livemusic
3 months ago

📸 Capturing @jessieware at North Sea Jazz Rotterdam | 14 July 2024 @northseajazz @jessieware #aniekyaelprojects #photography #northseajazz #jessieware #livemusic #jazz #festival
7 months ago

Moments worth remembering.
#aniekyaelprojects #ayp #aniekyael #blackandwhitephotography #artistphotography #artistphotographer #musicphotographer #jamsession #behindthescenesphotography #musicianphotographer #saxophoto #contentcreation #creativeprojects
#cecenoir #freestylesaxofonista #ceceonsax #saxofonist #saxophone #cece #noir #musician #saxophoneplayer #femalesaxplayer #musicproducer #femalemusician #femalesaxophonist #selmer #saxofonista #saxofon
8 months ago

Capturing @goldcollective.coverband golden hour @goudsgeluk ! Special thanks to my special person @cecenoir.sax who shot some pictures of @aniekyaelprojects ☀️ Meet the band | @mauritsmalherbe @benjamin_torbijn @pipalblas @marvintimothymusic 🎵
8 months ago

Photography: @aniekyaelprojects
On stage: @cecenoir.sax @robinelyza
#aniekyaelprojects #aniekyael #musicphotography #photography #onstage #moments#creativeminds #musicianphotography #cecenoir #ceceonsax #femaledj #robinelyza #dj #saxofonist #saxophone #musician #musiccreator #femalemusician #femalesaxophonist #livemusic #saxofonista #saxofon #saxophonista.
8 months ago

I have been working with these guys for years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication, they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
John Doe Company Name
I have been working with these guys for years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication, they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
John Doe Company Name
I have been working with these guys for years now! With lots of hard work and timely communication, they made sure they delivered the best to me. Highly recommended!
John Doe Company Name
Want to book any of my services? Or do you want to get in touch with me? Be sure to reach out. New ideas or potential project collaborations are always welcome!